The Spray Foam Advantage

Insulating a new home or improving the comfort and energy performance of an existing one is a decision that will have a lasting impact. It’s important that homeowners and building owners have the facts when selecting an insulation product for their project. Understand the spray foam advantage and learn why SPF products are an excellent […]

CPI’s Health and Safety Website

Learn more about the health and safety considerations for spray foam at

Spray Foam Homeowners Brochure

Spray foam is a high-quality, durable, and sustainable insulation and air barrier solution. It is used in both residential and commercial structures. In homes, spray foam insulation provides added comfort and can help reduce your energy consumption. Spray foam is highly energy efficient, as R-values can range from 3.6 per inch to 7.4, depending on […]

The Performance Value of Spray Polyurethane Foam

Spray foam is a power insulator, an air barrier, and, in some cases, a vapor or moisture barrier. This document shares information about the performance value of spray foam.

Air Sealing with Spray Polyurethane Foam

Spray foam is the only single-step product that provides high R-value and functions as an air barrier. Most insulation doesn’t account for common leaks, which waste energy by allowing conditioned air to escape the home. To fully optimize its energy efficiency, insulation needs to be supplemented with an air barrier when installed in a home. […]

Spray Foam Insulation: Helping Achieve Sustainability

Spray foam insulation is a powerful insulator. In fact, spray foam insulation saves more energy than is used to create it. This document shares information about spray foam’s embodied carbon and environmental payback.